Legal information
This website is the joint internet presence for the following companies:
ESWICON GmbH & Co. KG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
Ulmer Straße 87
73054 Eislingen
Amtsgericht (local court) Ulm HRA 723504
VAT identification number: DE289153529
Phone: +49 (7161) 652 82 0
Fax: +49 (7161) 652 82 90
The company is licensed as a tax advisory firm in the Federal Republic of Germany. The tax advisors (all professional titles have been awarded in Germany) working in the company are licensed as tax advisors in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of Steuerberaterkammer Stuttgart (Stuttgart chamber of tax advisors).
General partner:
ESWICON Management GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
Ulmer Straße 87
73054 Eislingen
Amtsgericht (local court) Ulm HRB 728308
Phone: +49 (7161) 652 82 0
Fax: +49 (7161) 652 82 90
Partners entitled to represent the company:
StB Dipl. oec. Marc Friedinger; WP/StB Dipl. oec. Thomas Holzwarth; WP/StB Dipl.-Kfm. Jochen Kottmann; StB Dipl.-Finanzwirt (FH) Klaus Schäffler
The company is licensed as a tax advisory firm in the Federal Republic of Germany. The tax advisors (all professional titles have been awarded in Germany) working in the company are licensed as tax advisors in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of Steuerberaterkammer Stuttgart (Stuttgart chamber of tax advisors).
ESWICON GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Ulmer Straße 87
73054 Eislingen
Amtsgericht (local court) Ulm HRB 723943
VAT identification number: DE 265925334
Phone: +49 (7161) 652 82 0
Fax: +49 (7161) 652 82 90
Partners entitled to represent the company:
WP/StB Dipl. oec. Thomas Holzwarth; WP/StB Dipl.-Kfm. Jochen Kottmann; ; WP/StB Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH) Volker Hein
The company is licensed as an auditing firm in the Federal Republic of Germany. The auditors (all professional titles have been awarded in Germany) working in the company are licensed as auditors in the Federal Republic of Germany.
ESWICON GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft
Alexanderstraße 107
70180 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 248 4807 0
Telefax: +49 (711) 248 4807 19
Partners entitled to represent the company:
WP/StB Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH) Volker Hein
The company is licensed as a tax advisory firm in the Federal Republic of Germany. The tax advisors (all professional titles have been awarded in Germany) working in the company are licensed as tax advisors in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of Steuerberaterkammer Stuttgart (Stuttgart chamber of tax advisors).
Various professional regulations apply to tax advisors and auditors:
The Steuerberatungsgesellschaft or tax advisory firm is mainly subject to the following professional regulations:
- StBerG [“Steuerberatungsgesetz”: German act regulating the profession of tax advisors]
- DVStB [“Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz”: Implementing regulations for the German act regulating the profession of tax advisors]
- BOStB [“Berufsordnung”: Chamber of tax advisors’ professional ordinance]
- StBGebV [“Steuerberatergebührenverordnung”: German tax advisor fee regulations]
The professional standards can be viewed at the competent local and regional chambers of tax advisors, for example at Steuerberaterkammer Stuttgart (, or on the website of Germany’s national chamber of tax advisors, Bundessteuerberaterkammer (
Supervisory authority: Steuerberaterkammer (Chamber of Tax Advisors), Hegelstraße 33, 70174 Stuttgart
Responsible Chamber: Steuerberaterkammer (Chamber of Tax Advisors), Hegelstraße 33, 70174 Stuttgart
Professional indemnity insurance:
Professional indemnity insurance is in place with Gothaer Allgemeine Versicherungs AG in 50598 Cologne, Germany.
The geographical scope of the insurance cover includes Germany, the rest of Europe, member states of the European Union and contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) as well as Turkey and the states on the territory of the former Soviet Union and thus complies with the minimum requirements of Sec. 67 Steuerberatungsgesetz (StBerG) and Secs. 51 et seq. Verordnung zur Durchführung der Vorschriften über Steuerberater, Steuerbevollmächtigte und Steuerberatungsgesellschaften (DVStB).
The Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft or auditing firm is mainly subject to the following professional regulations:
- WPO [“Wirtschaftsprüferordnung”: German law regulating the profession of Wirtschaftsprüfer]
- BS WP/vBP [“Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer / vereidigte Buchprüfer”: Professional charter for German public auditors and certified accountants]
- Satzung für Qualitätskontrolle (Quality control statutes)
- Siegelverordnung (Regulation on official seals)
- WPBHV [“Wirtschaftsprüfer-Berufshaftpflichtversicherungsverordnung”: German federal code on professional indemnity insurance for German public auditors]
The professional standards can be viewed on the website of Germany’s Chamber of Public Accountants, Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (
Supervisory authority: Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (WPK, Chamber of Public Accountants),
Rauchstraße 26, 10787 Berlin, Germany
Responsible Chamber: Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (WPK, Chamber of Public Accountants),
Rauchstraße 26, 10787 Berlin, Germany
Professional indemnity insurance:
Professional indemnity insurance is in place with HISCOX Insurance Company Ltd. Niederlassung für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 80636 Munich, Germany. The geographical scope of the insurance cover extends to Germany and to other European countries, Turkey and the states of the former Soviet Union including Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and thus complies with the minimum requirements of Sec. 54 Wirtschaftsprüferordnung (WPO) in conjunction with the Verordnung über die Berufshaftpflichtversicherung der Wirtschaftsprüfer und vereidigten Buchprüfer (WPBHV).
The following information relates to ESWICON GmbH & Co. KG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, ESWICON Management GmbH Steuerberatungsgesellschaft and ESWICON GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (hereinafter referred to in brief as “ESWICON”).
ESWICON endeavours to ensure that its website is always up to date and complete and that its content is accurate. Nevertheless it is not possible to rule out the possibility of errors completely. The content provided cannot replace the need for tailored advice. ESWICON will not be liable for currentness, content accuracy or completeness of the information provided on our website. This relates to possible material or non-material damages to third parties caused by the use of this website.
Links to other websites
Direct and indirect links to content provided by other providers is third-party content that is not the property of ESWICON. ESWICON therefore distances itself from all third-party content even if its homepage contains links to those external sites. This applies to all links displayed on its website.
The content and images displayed on this website are protected by copyright. It is only permissible to copy, download or store this content for personal use. Any other use or exploitation is permissible only with prior written approval from ESWICON and only subject to crediting the source and date.
E-mails sent to the companies listed above from the website do not have any effect for the observance of deadlines. It should be noted here that e-mail communication over the internet is not secure and there is a risk of third-party access and manipulation of data. ESWICON thus wishes to point out that it will not be liable for the content or the manipulation of the content of e-mails.
Data protection
Any personal data (e-mail address, name, address) submitted via the website is provided on a voluntary basis. ESWICON expressly declares that it will not pass personal data on to third parties.
General Engagement Terms
These are our General Engagement Terms which, if referred to, apply to our engagement.
Services by the tax advisory firms:
“Allgemeine Auftragsbedingungen für Steuerberater, Steuerbevollmächtigte und Steuerberatungsgesellschaften vom August 2022” (General Engagement Terms for Tax Advisors, Tax Agents and Tax Advisory Firms).
To view the PDF version, please click on the following link:
Allgemeine Auftragsbedingungen für Steuerberater, Steuerbevollmächtigte und Steuerberatungsgesellschaften
Services by the auditing firm:
“Allgemeine Auftragsbedingungen für Wirtschaftsprüfer und Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften vom 1. Januar 2017” (General Engagement Terms for German Public Auditors and Public Audit Firms) as issued by the IDW [“Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V.”: Institute of Public Auditors in Germany]. To view the PDF version, please click on the following link:
Allgemeine Auftragsbedingungen für Wirtschaftsprüfer und Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften
Legal effect
This disclaimer is part of ESWICON’s internet site. In the event that individual parts of this text no longer reflect the valid legal situation or do not reflect the valid legal situation in full, the other parts of this declaration remain unaffected.